Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most common questions that we get! If you have a question that isn’t covered, let us know here.
Our team consists of highly trained, insured professionals, with licensed leasing agents partnering with owners from start to finish. At the moment, we manage approximately 200 properties, specializing in duplexes and single family homes.
Our owner portal is available 24/7 for task submission - this is where our team members will respond most quickly and consistently. During business hours, The UpDown team can be reached at the office phone of 612-293-5267.
All tenant payment/security deposits, owner contribution/payout, and vendor payout are all handled within a system we use called Buildium. We generate owner statements of property cashflow on a monthly basis.
Late fees are applied on the 6th of each month at a rate of 8% of monthly rent. 50% of fees go to the owner, and 50% go to UpDown.
Our maintenance costs typically run lower than other companies due to our team’s active troubleshooting. Simple issues find simple solutions through our team’s communication with tenants!
If a maintenance visit is needed, we coordinate with a preferred vendor from our roster. Owners are notified in writing of costly repairs and asked to approve the work. Most owners have our team directly handle minor repairs under $275.
UpDown charges a 10% maintenance facilitation fee, up to a maximum of $100, to cover the administrative costs of troubleshooting, communicating between different parties, and scheduling vendors to maintenance tasks.
Maintenance invoices will be deducted from the reserve, which will be replenished from the following month’s rent.
We are always open to using owners’ preferred contacts! If owners introduce us to their favorite general contractors, this leads to great opportunity to get them on our roster for more business as well.
We communicate with the tenant to enforce Utility payment, Winterization of home, Quiet hour enforcement, Lawn care and snow removal.
Have A Question?
Let us know here and our team will respond as quickly as possible!